

Spiritual Practitioner/Artist

My wish is to use my gifts to deliver clarity and expansion where it may be unseen...reminding you of your own gifts of light and love. By generating a source of wisdom and empowerment to guide you to hear your own truth, allowing your spirit to echo its message.

My birth gift is "Clair Cognizant", which simply put, is an inner wisdom or knowledge. I use the tarot cards and my spirit guides to offer guidance to all of my clients, encouraging them to move in a positive direction. The core messages are about healing, and reconnection with the divine truth that is you and lays within you and your beauty.

When you schedule a reading with me, you will receive a detailed and highly accurate reading that covers the aspects of your life where your spirit feels you need the most guidance.

The art you see here in the Boutique is my creative outlet. A way to connect, express and honour the natural world around us. It brings great joy to “Hold on to those precious memories by giving them life through art.