Chakra Exercise and Discovery

For those who are curious. Please try.
It’s Simple…

Sometimes we look at things and find it confusing.
I will try to keep it as basic and concrete as possible while still trying to honor the basic principles.
In my charts and readings there is a similar exercise we examine.
In this post I would like to take a unique tangible approach to this exercise.
You may even would like to take a pen and paper before you continue.

Energy flows like a stream thru us
These chakras are our power centers.
The energy is within us and be circulating fluidly.
However, sometimes we have blockages where the stream stops and it is up to us to move that or clear it out of the way.
Blockages can also create illnesses within as well.
Just being aware is a step closer.
A willingness for expansion is always wonderful as we can begin the process of clearing and remaining more fluid within ourselves.

So here we go…With this exercise we can ask ourselves some improtant questions that will raise our conscioussness and we can expand from there. Even one thought or new question will resonate and help us continue towards more fluidity.

Earth Chakra – Red
This Chakra is the Survival and is blocked by fear.

So what are you afraid of?
We can remind ourselves that fears are not real. They are our own creations.
F false
E evidence
A appearing
R real

We also need to be aware that what we fear we create. Surrender them and allow them to get smaller as you recognize that they no longer keep you blocked

2. Base – Orange
This Chakra represents pleasures which is blocked by guilt.
What do you blame yourself for?
Sometimes things just happen and we need to learn forgiveness to ourselves.
This way we can give more to others when we have given to ourselves

3. Solar Plexus- Yellow
What are you ashamed of? What are your let downs and disppointments?
Love all aspects of yourself even the things you find are mistakes or regrets.
This directly affects our self esteem and how we can love ourselves and others.

4. Heart – Green
What are you greiving? How do you love?
Release all feelings of sadness and loss.
Love is all around us even in loss. We have loved and that love still resides in us. You will love again.
You will find love in different ways. I allow love to continue to flow.
Let the pain flow.

5. Throat – Blue
What lies do you tell yourself?
How do you express yourself?
What is the truth that lives inside you?
Release all lies and denial.
Accept yourself and ask for what you need. If it is your truth that need expression too.

6. Center of the Forehead – Indigo
This is where our Intuition and Illusions reside
We are all connected. Nothing is seperate it is all one in the same
We all are part of a collective consciouness
What illusions do we keep? Release them knowing that we are all part of the divine.

7. Crown – Violet
This is cosmic energy
Blocked by earthly attachments
What attaches you to this world?
This is the most difficult of all to release. In order to receive cosmic energy we need to let go of all that we have grown to love.
The energy will flow inward and back to you
Letting go does not always mean loosing something
We need to see the gain of connecting to your Higher self
Then you are united with cosmic energy

Many Blessings to you and may this continue to be an expansion for you. Even just choosing a certain colour clothing that day can correlate to this exercise. As long as we continue to be aware and remind ourselves that there are no coincidences.

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Amanda Beckler

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